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Single-layer Cytal® urinary bladder matrix is safe and effective for corporoplasty and fistula repair in complex proximal hypospadias: an initial experience
Kathy H. Huen, MD, Sarah A. Holzman, MD, Carol A. Davis-Dao, PhD, Zayn Suhale, BSc, Kai-Wen Chuang, MD, Heidi A. Stephany, MD, Elias J. Wehbi, MD, MS, Antoine E. Khoury, MD.
Children's Hospital of Orange County/ UC Irvine, Orange, CA, USA.

BACKGROUND: Tissue availability for grafts and flaps can pose a challenge in complex proximal hypospadias repairs. Small intestinal submucosa has demonstrated variable success as a pre-packaged graft. Single-layer Cytal™ matrix (ACell Inc, Columbia, MD) is a commercially available, acellular, non-crosslinked wound management scaffold derived from porcine bladder epithelial basement membrane and tunica propria, termed “urinary bladder matrix.” The genitourinary-derived graft material has been associated with excellent graft take and similar contraction rates when compared with buccal mucosal graft in adult patients undergoing complex substitution urethroplasty. We describe our initial experience using Cytal™ in pediatric patients undergoing corporoplasties or dorsal inlay grafts in hypospadias repair, and adjunct uses in wound healing of the penis or the urethra.
METHODS: This is a retrospective review of 13 patients with complex hypospadias repair in a single center of four surgeons between January 2020 and July 2021 with single-layer Cytal™. Chordee was measured with a goniometer.
RESULTS: Thirteen boys who underwent hypospadias repair were identified. Median age was 21.4 months (IQR 14.5-38.2). Mean follow up was 6.2 ± 4.7 months. Cytal™ was used for ventral corporal grafting in 9 boys undergoing either first stage of planned 2-stage hypospadias repair or 1-stage hypospadias repair with a double-faced transverse island preputial flap. Mean chordee in corporoplasties was 85 ± 56 degrees. Two had subsequent second-stage urethroplasties; 2 do not require any further surgery, and 5 are awaiting second stage repair. In 6 of 9 boys, tunica vaginalis flap was unavailable, most commonly due to concomitant undescended testes and inguinal hernias. Of the remaining 3, 1 patient had poor vascular supply to the tunica vaginalis flap, and Cytal™ was used between the flap and the vascular erectile tissue to stimulate tunica albuginea and vaginalis regeneration. All 9 patients had straight erections and no ventral corporal contractures on follow up by erection test (if second stage performed), parent history or physical exam.
Of the remaining 4 of 13 patients, 2 had Cytal™ as a dorsal inlay graft in second-stage hypospadias repair since there was no readily available autologous tissue. Meatuses were patent at follow up. One was a hypospadias cripple with 4 prior hypospadias operations, resulting in a urethrocutaneous fistula (UCF) 1 cm proximal to the mid-shaft meatal opening. This patient had poor vascularized tissue available for repair, therefore the urethroplasty was performed and Cytal™ was placed as a waterproofing second layer. The remaining patient had a wound dehiscence after a one-stage double-faced transverse island preputial flap hypospadias repair, resulting in a large UCF in the early postoperative period. Cytal™ was used as an onlay scaffold for tissue regeneration, with the resulting UCF now pinpoint.
CONCLUSIONS: Single-layer Cytal™ is safe, effective, and simple to use as graft material in hypospadias repairs when autologous tissue is unavailable without incurring additional donor site morbidity. Extended follow up is warranted to confirm results and assess durability.

Patient#Age at operation (months)Prior hypospadias surgery (#)Diagnosis/ indicationConcomitant conditionsOperation/ ProcedureDegree of chordee at operationCytal UseReason for CytalOutcome
1270Penoscrotal hypospadiasBilateral UDT, Wolff HirschhornDouble-faced transverse preputial island flap one-stage hypospadias repair, R orchiopexy, RIHR60CorporoplastyBilateral UDT, no TV flap availableNo residual chordee
2140Penoscrotal hypospadiasBilateral UDT, Deny Drash, HTN, ESRDFirst stage hypospadias repair, laparoscopic L one-stage orchiopexy, laparoscopic Mullerian remnant removal180CorporoplastyL UDT, R TV flap not robustNo residual chordee
3753Hypospadias cripple, penoscrotal hypospadiasNoneRe-do first stage hypospadias repairMissingCorporoplastyPrior hypo repair used R TV flap, prior L IHRNo residual chordee
4381Penoscrotal hypospadiasBilateral UDTUrethroplasty, chordee correction,R orchiopexy, R IHR35CorporoplastyBilateral UDT, L TV used in prior repairNo residual chordee
5110Penoscrotal hypospadiasNoneFirst stage hypospadias repair90Corporoplastyn/aNo residual chordee
6140Perineal hypospadiasVSDFirst stage hypospadias repair145Corporoplasty under L TV flapL TV flap not robustNo residual chordee
7170Penoscrotal hypospadiasNoneDouble-faced transverse preputial island flap one-stage hypospadias repair45Corporoplastyn/aNo residual chordee
8251Perineal hypospadias, residual chordee after prior first stageBilateral UDTRe-do first stage hypospadias repairMissingCorporoplastyBilateral UDTNo residual chordee
9150Penoscrotal hypospadiasMixed gonadal dysgenesis (descended gonads)Double-faced transverse preputial island flap one-stage hypospadias repair, L testis biopsy45Laid on corpora after “fairy” cutsn/aNo residual chordee
10443Penoscrotal hypospadias s/p redo first stageNoneSecond stage hypospadias repair, dorsal inlay graftn/aDorsal inlay graftNo readily available autologous tissuePatent meatus
11211 (first stage)Perineal hypospadias s/p first stageNoneSecond stage hypospadias repair, dorsal inlay graftn/aDorsal inlay graftNo readily available autologous tissuePatent meatus
12111Urethrocutaneous fistula (active wound healing) after one-stage hypospadias repairNoneCytal placement over wound separationn/aWound breakdownn/aUrethrocutaneous fistula contracted, present
131624Hypospadias cripple, urethrocutaneous fistulaNoneUrethrocutaneous fistula repair, one-stage urethroplastyn/aWaterproofing layerInsufficient dartos for second layerNo recurrence urethrocutaneous fistula

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