
Unmoderated/Display Posters

Program | Posters

Basic Research:
1. Assessment of the Unplanned Post-operative Morbidity in Children (UPMC) Scoring System for use in Pediatric Urology
Moira E. Dwyer, M.D., Heidi A. Stephany, M.D., Glenn M. Cannon, Jr., M.D., Steven G. Docimo, M.D., Francis X. Schneck, M.D., Omaya Banihani, M.D., Michael C. Ost, M.D.
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
2. Sex differences in neonatal rat bladder and external urethral sphincter function caused by bladder reduction
Oreoluwa Ogunyemi, MD, China Chien, BA, Hsi-Yang Wu, MD.
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
3. Cisplatin Induced testicular toxicity in rats: could it be prevented by arjunolic acid supplementation?
Osama M. Sarhan, MD, IMAN O. SHERIF, PHD.
Mansoura Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura, Egypt, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
Disorders of Sexual Differentiation (Anorectal/Exstrophy):
4. Clean-Intermittent Catheterization as an Initial Management Strategy Provides for Adequate Preservation of Renal Function in Patients with Persistent Cloaca
David J. Chalmers, MD, Kyle O. Rove, MD, Cole A. Weidel, MD, Suhong Tong, PhD, Georgette L. Siparsky, PhD, Duncan T. Wilcox, MD.
Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA.
5. Newborn Exstrophy Closure without Osteotomy: Is There a Role?
Brian M. Inouye, M.D., Mahmoud Abdelwahab, M.B.B.Ch., Heather N. DiCarlo, M.D., Ezekiel E. Young, M.D., Ali Tourchi, M.D., John P. Gearhart, M.D.
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA.
6. Increasing the Diagnosis Rate in Patients with Disorders of Sex Development (DSD)
Jill D. Jacobson, MD, Julie Strickland, MD, MPH, Laurie Smith, MD, Anna Egan, PhD, Laurel Willig, MD, Emily G. Farrow, PhD, Carol J. Saunders, PhD, Stephen F. Kingsmore, MD, Terri Luetjen, RN, John M. Gatti, MD.
Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO, USA.
7. Clinical Pathway for Early Discharge after CPRE and Epispadias repair with pelvic osteotomies by using a spica cast
Bryan Sack, MD, John Kryger, MD, Michael Mitchell, MD, Charles Durkee, MD, Roger Lyon, MD, Travis Groth, MD.
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
8. Delayed Versus Conventional Closure for Classic Bladder Exstrophy: A 18 year experience
Dana A. Weiss, MD, Matthew S. Christman, MD, Michael C. Carr, MD, PhD, Douglas A. Canning, MD.
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA.
9. The Goblet; incision, a new rectal-sparing anterior sagittal approach
Ricardo Zubieta, M.D., Pedro-Jose Lopez, M.D., Soledad Celis, M.D., Francisco J. Reed, M.D., Alejandra López, M.D., Danielle Reyes, M.D., Francisca Yankovic, M.D., Nelly Letelier, M.D.
Hospital Exequiel Gonzalez Cortes, Santiago, Chile.
Endourology/ Minimally Invasive Surgery:
10. Retroperitoneoscopic partial nephrectomy for duplex kidneys: 20 years of experience, from lateral to prone approach
Marc-David LECLAIR, MD, PhD, Caroline CAMBY, MD, Sébastien FARAJ, MD, Etienne SUPLY, MD, Stephan DE NAPOLI COCCI, MD, Yves HELOURY, MD.
Children University Hospital, NANTES, France.
11. Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Excision of Prostatic Utricle Cyst (Video)
Manas Nigam, B.S., Pankaj P. Dangle, M.D., Andrew J. Cohen, M.D., Mohan S. Gundeti, M.D.
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
Fetal Urology/Postnatal Hydronephrosis/Posterior Urethral Valves:
12. Combined creatinine velocity and nadir creatinine: a reliable predictor of renal outcome in PUV.
Robert Coleman, FRACS (Urology), Thomas King, MRCS, Muhammad Bader, MRCS, Cezar-Doru Nicoara, MRCS, Liam McCarthy, FRCS (Paed), Harish Chandran, FRACS (Paed), Karan Parashar, FRCS (Paed).
Birmingham Children's Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
13. Comparison of Curved and Semi-Curved Sheaths for Fetal Cystoscopic Laser Ablation of Posterior Urethral Valves
Rodrigo Ruano, MD, Irina Stanasel, MD, James Sander, MD, Michael Belfort, MD, Nicolas Sananes, MD, Michael Braun, MD, Romain Favre, MD, Darrell Cass, MD, Patricio Gargollo, MD, David Roth, MD, Chester Koh, MD.
Texas Children's Hospital / Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, CMCO-HUS. Pôle de gynécologie-Obstétrique, Strasbourg, France.
14. Long term results with the laparoscopic transposition of lower pole renal crossing vessels
University Hospital, TOURS, France, University Hospital, LIMOGES, France, Children University Hospital, NANTES, France.
15. Prenatal Diagnosis and Tele-Medicine Consultation of Fetal Urologic Disorders
Nader Rabie, MD, Ashay Patel, MD, Ismael Zamilpa, MD, Kevin Barnett, BS, Everett Magann, MD, Stephen Canon, MD.
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA.
16. Understanding the ramifications of postoperative ketorolac after pediatric pyeloplasty
Courtney K. Rowe, MD, Jeffrey J. Leow, MD, MPH, Constance S. Houck, MD, Steven L. Chang, MD, MS, Richard N. Yu, MD, PhD.
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
Hypospadias (Penis):
17. Combinded inner preputial inlay graft with tubularized incised plate in hypospadias repair: worth doing?
Mamdouh A. Ahmed, Sr., MD, Abdulnaser Alsaid, Sr., Canadian Board.
Ibn Sina Hospital, Kuwait, Kuwait.
18. Urethrocutaneous Fistula Formation in Children undergoing Hypospadias Repair under Caudal Anesthesia versus Penile Block
Nina Casanova, MD, Raza Zaidi, MD, Adam Eickmeyer, BS, Tabitha Kalabat, none, Terri Voepel-Lewis, PhD, Bishr Haydar, MD, Julian Wan, MD.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
19. Complication and Revision Rates in Neonatal Circumcisions Performed by Non-Urologists
Adam B. Eickmeyer, Nina F. Casanova, MD, Kavita S. Warrier, MD, MS, Amy E. Hepper, MD, Julian H-C Wan, MD. University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Douglas Husmann, MD. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
20. Early Manifestations of Erectile Dysfunction Following Hypospadias Repair: Etiology, Treatment and Concerns
Douglas Husmann, MD.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
21. The Modified; Ulaanbaatar; Procedure for Proximal Hypospadias Repair
Megan S. Schober, MD, PhD, Seth A. Alpert, MD, Venkata R. Jayanthi, MD.
Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA.
LUT Dysfunction/Enuresis:
22. The bell and pad conditioning alarm for nocturnal enuresis in Australia: a multicentre audit
Susie Gibb, MBBS, FRACP, Shirley Whitaker, RN, B.Nursing, Grad. Cert. Health-Adv. Continence, Sharynn Schuster, Ph.D, MAPS Kerry Murphy, RN Dip.Continence Post Grad Paediatrics (Cert, Esther Apos, Ph.D.
Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, Ballarat Health Services, Ballarat, Australia, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Australia.
23. Differences in Patient Comprehension and Communication Effectiveness using In-Person and Telephonic Medical Interpretation Services
David J. Chalmers, MD, Austine K. Siomos, MD, Michael Bronsert, PhD, Vijaya M. Vemulakonda, MD JD.
Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA.
24. Why the pediatric urologist should care about school bullying: an association between bullying and bowel/bladder dysfunction
Christina B. Ching, MD, Haerin Lee, MD, Matthew D. Mason, MD, Douglass B. Clayton, MD, John C. Thomas, MD, John C. Pope, IV, MD, Mark C. Adams, MD, John W. Brock, III, MD, Stacy T. Tanaka, MD, MS.
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA.
25. The Outcomes of Long-Term Combined Therapy of Enuresis Alarm and Desmopressin for the Cases Bedwetting Twice or More Every Night
Kenichi Kobayashi, M.D., Yasuyuki Naitoh, M.D., Akihiro Kawauchi, M.D., Kazuyoshi Johnin, M.D., Yasuhiro Yamada, M.D., Atsuko Fujihara, M.D., Koji Okihara, M.D., Tsuneharu Miki, M.D.
Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu City, Japan, Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine, Kyoto City, Japan.
26. Inter-rater agreement on post-hoc interpretation of uroflowmetry-electromyography in children with non-neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction.
Israel P. Nosnik, MD, Mark A. Faasse, MD MPH, Dawn Diaz-Saldano, RN, MSN, CPNP, Dennis B. Liu, MD, Jennifer Schreiber, RN, MSN, CPNP, Kavita S. Hodgkins, MD, Elizabeth B. Yerkes, MD.
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
27. Urodynamic differences between bell shaped and non-bell shaped uroflow patterns among dysfunctional voiders - a newcategorization
Lesli Nicolay, MD, Jordan Gitlin, MD, Lane S. Palmer, MD.
Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York, Lake Success, NY, USA.
Neuropathic Bladder/Reconstruction:
28. Development and Psychometric Assessment of a Fecal Incontinence and Constipation Quality of Life Instrument for Adolescents with Spina Bifida
Katherine C. Hubert, MD, MPH, Georgios Sideridis, PhD, Rebecca Sherlock, NP, Jennifer Queally, PhD, Ilina Rosoklija, MPH, Greta Kringle, MAT, Kathryn Johnson, BA, Samuel Nurko, MD, Alan Retik, MD, Stuart Bauer, MD.
Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health, Indianapolis, IN, USA, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
29. Is CT Cystography an accurate study for evaluation spontaneous perforation of the augmented bladder in children?
Sandeep Gurram, MD, Martin Kaefer, MD, Benjamin Whittam, MD, Rosalia Misseri, MD, Katherine Hubert, MD, Mark Cain, MD, Richard Rink, MD, Boaz Karmazyn, MD.
Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
30. Can bladder wall thickness predict the findings of video-urodynamic study in children with spina bifida?
Woojin Kim, MD, Kazuyo Ito, MD, Sayaka Akiyama, MD, Yuichiro Yamazaki, MD.
Kanagawa Children's Medical Center, Yokohama, Japan.
31. Who is still using their MACE after 10 years of follow-up?
Joshua D. Roth, M.D., Benjamin Whittam, M.D., Konrad Szymanski, M.D., Alison Keenan, M.D., Christian Tabib, Medical Stuent, Kate Hubert, M.D., Rosalia Misseri, M.D., Martin Kaefer, M.D., Richard Rink, M.D., Mark Cain, M.D.
Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
32. The Riley Evaluation of Quality of Life in Spina Bifida instrument for Adults (REQoLSB-A): Development and international validation of a new and clinically useful health-related quality of life tool
Konrad M. Szymanski, MD MPH, Rosalia Misseri, MD, Benjamin Whittam, MD, Sonia-Maria Raposo, LL.B., Shelly King, NP, Martin Kaefer, MD, Richard C. Rink, MD, Mark P. Cain, MD.
Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
33. What's in a name?: The ambiguity of neurogenic bladder coding in the PHIS database
Jason P. Van Batavia, MD, Jennifer J. Ahn, MD, Julia B. Finkelstein, MD, Marissa Velez, MD, Pasquale Casale, MD, Shumyle Alam, MD.
Division of Pediatric Urology, Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian Hospital,, New York, NY, USA.
34. Urologic data from the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry 2009-2012: Early Outcomes
John S. Wiener, MD, David B. Joseph, MD, Tiebin Liu, MSPH, Elisabeth Ward, RN MPH, Judy Thibadeau, RN MN.
Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Testis & Varicocele:
35. Post-operative pain and analgesia requirements in children undergoing urological outpatient procedures
Annette Schröder, MD, PhD, Fiona Campbell, MD, Eli Bator, BScN, Rodney AuYeoung, BS, Daniel Stocki, MD, Walid A. Farhat, MD, Armando J. Lorenzo, MD, Darius J. Bägli, MD, Martin A. Koyle, MD.
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada.
36. Improvement in varicocele correction in terms of catch-up growth in adolescents: lymphatic sparing microsurgical varicocelectomy with delivered versus not delivered testis procedure. Our experience in 70 adolescents.
CLAUDIO SPINELLI, Professor, Silvia Strambi, MD, Marga Busetto, MD.
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, University of Pisa, Chair of Pediatric Surgery, Pisa, Italy.
37. Pediatric Urolithiasis and Cardiovascular Disease: What Do They Have in Common?
Larisa Kovacevic, MD, Hong Lu, PhD, Joseph A. Caruso, PhD, Yegappan Lakshmanan, MD.
Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI, USA, Proteomics Facility Core, Detroit, MI, USA.
38. Cystinuria in the pediatric population: understanding the burden of disease
Briony K. Varda, MD, Emilie K. Johnson, MD, MPH, Kathryn L. Johnson, BA, Ilina Rosoklija, MPH, Caleb P. Nelson, MD, MPH.
Boston Children's Hospital & Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
39. Perineal Vascular Anomalies in Children: 35 years of experience
Katie H. Willihnganz-Lawson, MD, Jennifer C. McClure, BS, Margarett Shnorhavorian, MD, MPH, Jonathan A. Perkins, DO.
Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA, University of Washington Medical School, Seattle, WA, USA.
Urinary Tract Infection/Vesicoureteral Reflux:
40. Multi-institutional review of postoperative urinary retention after bilateral robotic-assisted laparoscopic extravesical ureteral reimplantation
Liza M. Aguiar, MD, Katherine Herbst, MSc, Thomas S. Lendvay, MD, Ardavan Akhavan, MD, Mohan S. Gundeti, M.Ch, David Hatcher, MD, Paul H. Noh, MD, Marion Schulte, RN, Gerald Mingin, Jr., MD, Jared Wachterman, MD Christine Kim, MD.
Connecticut Childrens Medical Center/University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT, USA, Seattle Children's Hospital/University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA, Comer Children's Hospital/University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA, Vermont Children's Hospital/University of Vermont School of Medicine, Burlington, VT, USA.
41. Is it hersey to suggest there's something better than grade on the voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG)?
Siobhan E. Alexander, BS, Douglas W. Storm, MD, Kathleen Kieran, MD, Christopher S. Cooper, M.D., FAAP.
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA.
42. Is Routine Voiding Cystourethrogram Necessary following Double HIT for Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux?
Angela M. Arlen, MD, Hal C. Scherz, MD, FAAP, FACS, Eleonora Filimon, RN, Traci Leong, PhD, Andrew J. Kirsch, MD, FAAP, FACS.
Emory University/Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA.
43. Surgical Site Infection Rates in Pediatric Urology Procedures
Justin Ellett, MD, PhD, Michaella Prasad, MD, J. Todd Purves, MD, PhD, Andrew Stec, MD.
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA.
44. The Role of Peri-operative Antibiotics in Pediatric Urology Procedures
Justin Ellett, MD, PhD, Michaella Prasad, MD, J. Todd Purves, MD, PhD, Andrew Stec, MD.
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA.
45. Distal ureteroureterostomy for repair of upper-pole ectopic ureter in children: is stenting really necessary?
Luis Braga, MD, MSc, PhD, David M. Kanters, BSc, MSc, Jorge DeMaria, MD.
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
46. Change in Pediatric Urology Referral Pattern after Publication of the 2011 American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines
Matthew D. Mason, M.D., Christina B. Ching, M.D., Douglass B. Clayton, M.D., Stacy T. Tanaka, M.D., John C. Thomas, M.D., John C. Pope, IV, M.D., John W. Brock, III, M.D., Mark C. Adams, M.D.
Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, USA.
47. Utility scores for vesicoureteral reflux and anti-reflux surgery
Caleb Nelson, MD, MPH, Jonathan C. Routh, MD, MPH, Tanya Logvinenko, PhD, Ilina Rosoklija, MPH, Paul Kokorowski, MD, MPH, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA, University of Southern California, LA, CA, USA.
48. Renal Parenchymal Area Predicts Vesicoureteral Reflux after Urinary Tract Infection
Oreoluwa Ogunyemi, MD, Liam MacLeod, MD, Linda M. Dairiki Shortliffe, MD.
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
49. The top-down approach in children with febrile urinary tract infections-a updated meta-analysis
Victor Paschoalin, MD, Flavia Mrad, MD, Lorena Caires, MD, Marcia Bessa, MD, Ricardo Tiraboschi, MD, Jose Murillo Netto, MD, Jose de Bessa Jr., MD.
UEFS, Feira de Santana, Brazil, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brazil.
50. Ureteral Reimplantation before Bladder Neck Reconstruction in Exstrophy Patients: Is There a Need?
Ali Tourchi, MD, Brian M. Inouye, MD, Heather N. Di Carlo, MD, Ezekiel Young, MD, Angela Gupta, MD, Mahmood Abdelwahab, MD, John Gearhart, MD.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.
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